Den obeboeliga planeten


Den obeboeliga planeten av David Wallace-Wells

The Uninhabitable Earth

Some readers will find Mr Wallace-Wells’s outline of possible futures alarmist. He is indeed alarmed. You should be, too.

The Economist 21 February 2019

Climate Wars: What People Will be Killed for in the 21st Century

Det är kört. Så kan man helt kort sammanfatta Jonathan Jeppssons bok  ”Åtta steg mot avgrunden”.

We will eventually get to net-zero emissions. Solar and wind energy, as well as storage batteries, keep getting cheaper. 

We just won’t get there in time to prevent ruinous climate change.

Simon Kuper FT 12 November 2020

How will climate change affect the holiday map?

Europe, which is heating twice as fast as the global average, had its hottest ever summer in 2022, breaking the record set in 2021 — all of which was before the world re-entered the hotter El Niño climate cycle. No beach is fun at 40C with wildfires on the horizon.

 Some beach destinations — the Maldives and bits of the Caribbean — will vanish beneath the waves. In the Med too, especially on the African coast, the rising sea is eroding beaches. It’s also becoming unbearably hot.

Another likely trend: summer will lose its place as peak tourist season.

The chief victims will be millions of tourism workers in poor countries and the family members they support. But this upheaval will be only a dry run for the more fundamental displacements ahead.

Simon Kuper FT 29 June 2023

Are we capable of acting upon the implications? 

That is the biggest question of the 21st century. 

The answer, I fear, is no.

Martin Wolf FT 13 July 2021


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