Germany before 1914 it was as liberal as France or Britain

Take German nationalism. He reminds us that the “1860s were a pivotal decade” in the annals of nationalism. Invented by Revolutionary France, the ideology gripped all new nation-states: Germany, Italy and Japan. America, too, went on a nationalist binge in the 1890s.

The Kaiser’s Germany was not on a Sonderweg, a separate poisoned path. Nor was the Reich before 1914 less liberal than France or Britain by the standards of the time. 

Germany was beholden to the rule of law and boasted a strong parliament and a vigorous press. 

Why did its regime turn to genocide? In spite of the growing literature on the Holocaust, the cosmic riddle remains unsolved.

David Blackbourn’s “Germany in the World: A Global History, 1500-2000.”

Josef Joffe WSJ 16 July 2023

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