US CPI figures forecast to show an 8.7% annual increase
FT 10 August 2022
Priserna i USA lägre än väntat i juli – ökade 8,5 procent
Kärninflationen, där prisökningar på energi och livsmedel är borträknade, ökade med 5,9 procent i juli jämfört med för ett år sedan.
Gasoline prices fell 7.7% in July, the most since April 2020, after rising 11.2% a month earlier.
Food costs, however, climbed 10.9% from a year ago, the most since 1979.
Styrränta och inflation
Getting inflation down to 4% is probably easy, but then it gets really hard without pain
Bloomberg 8 augusti 2022
Landlords charge what the market can bear;
whatever they paid for their building is a sunk cost, which shouldn’t directly affect the rental market.
The Fed believes (correctly, I think) that the U.S. economy is running too hot and needs to be cooled off; it uses core inflation as a way to measure that overheating. But housing is a large part of core inflation.
And pretty soon we’re likely to have a situation in which official measures of housing costs are rising although we no longer have a hot economy
Paul Krugman NYT 19 August 2022