Chair of US central bank uses Jackson Hole address to warn of ‘sustained period’ of lower growth

Fed watchers noted that “Keeping At It” — a phrase Powell used twice in his speech — is the title of Volcker’s 2018 memoir, which was published just over a year before he died.

FT 26 August 2022

The Federal Open Market Committee's (FOMC) overarching focus right now is to bring inflation back down to our 2 percent goal

Last week, I received a poignant invitation: Paul Volcker, the legendary former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, asked me to visit his apartment to discuss his legacy.

Mr Volcker is publishing his memoir. The release of Keeping At It was initially scheduled for late November but the publisher has rushed the date forward to October because the former Fed chair is ill. 

Gillian Tett FT 25 October 2018

Michael Burry of ‘Big Short’ Fame Says ‘Silliness’ in Markets Is Back

Bloomberg 4 August 2022

Gång på gång har investeraren Michael Burry fått rätt om aktiemarknaden. 

Nu har han gjort en radikal förändring i sina innehav och varnar för ett omfattande börsras. Har han sett något som vi andra missat?

Alexander Hultman SvD 2022-08-26


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