The Rain in Spain. From the Rhine to the Tigris

 How Spain is coping with the heat

På sina resor han förnam,

hur väl försynens nåd reglerat, 

som floder överallt placerat

där stora städer stryka fram.

- Falstaff, fakir skrifter av Axel Wallengren.

From the Rhine to the Tigris

Global warming disturbs the jet and gulf streams that used to reliably circulate our atmosphere and oceans.

Lake Mead — where the Hoover Dam blocks whatever remains of the Colorado River — is drying into a puddle and displaying everything from sunken boats to dead bodies.

As these rivers, from the Yangtze to the Colorado, slowly evaporate — their water molecules destined to inundate islets or coastlines elsewhere in the world — the emphasis among scientists and policymakers is shifting to “adaptation.” 

We’ll certainly need a lot of that. 

Andreas Kluth Bloomberg 17 augusti 2022

Historiskt låga vattennivåer hotar tysk industri

SvD/TT 18 augusti 2022

Parts of China are suffering their worst heat wave in six decades

WSJ 17 August 2022

The waterborne infrastructure of global trade could dry out or shut down as the world heats up

FT 17 August 2022


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