How to End the Crisis Now. Det var den för mig lockande rubriken på en artikel i TIME av en Rana Foroohar, Jan. 15, 2014 Det börjar lovande och jag nickar instämmande: - The European Central Bank (ECB) calmed the markets and bought some time 18 months ago with a promise to do "whatever it takes" to save the euro, mainly via a program of aggressive and supposedly unlimited buying of short-dated European bonds. - "It's hard to imagine that if growth remains as weak as it is, and the periphery is kept in permanent recession, that things won't eventually blow up in Europe," says Rogoff, echoing a view widely shared by many economists. So far, so good, tyckte jag. Hon fortsatte: The question now is, What can Europe do to put its debt debacle behind it once and for all? Jag läste intresserad vidare. - Making the euro zone viable over the long haul requires a common fiscal policy. - The first step in that direction IS A BANKING UNION that creates a ...