Är friheten hotad i USA?

- American society is breaking apart. Millions of people have lost their jobs and fallen into poverty. Among them, for the first time, are many middle-class families. Jag hänvisade till dessa rader i Der Spiegels utomordentliga engelskspråkiga  version på denna blog 2010-11-12.

Tidigare hade jag, efter lång tvekan ställt frågan:  Står USA inför en revolutionär situation?

I dag läste jag en artikel i Newsweek av Evan Thomas, Editor at Large of  Newsweek sedan September 2006, som sände kalla kårar längs min ryggrad.

- Can the United States go the way of Germany in the past—a great society undone by terrible social turmoil?

- True, America has a paranoid streak in its politics, and demagogues come along from time to time to feed on anger and resentment. But I have always subscribed to the 51 percent rule. The Huey Longs and Joe McCarthys can rant and rave, but they can never get to a simple majority in a national election. Their lies will ultimately be exposed by a free press, and the common sense of the American people will prevail. The political pendulum swings in the United States, sometimes wildly. But it always swings back.

- Lately, though, I’m beginning to wonder. It’s not that I see an immediate danger. I think the Tea Partiers, despite their contradictions, are not all wrong about Big Government. But I worry that, in time, a clever fearmonger could manipulate popular opinion into an electoral mandate. I no longer take for granted America’s gyroscope. Politics is becoming so polarized that neither side credits, or even hears, the other. The gap between rich and poor is growing in ways that mock American middle-class egalitarianism.

Read the article here

I går kunde man läsa att "The number of unemployed Americans rose to 15.1 million last month" samtidigt som en Tea Party-människa, en repubikansk kongressledamot lät som man föreställer president Hoover talade 1929: "The Fed can print money, but they can't print jobs," "Printing money is no substitute for sound fiscal policy

Read more here

Fantastiska diagram från den lysande siten CalculatedRisk

Det är en seglivad myt att det var inflationen som förde Hitler till makten.

Men det inte så, det var arbetslösheten.

- Var det Hitlers fel att han fick så mycket applåder?
- Hur ska vi skapa jobb när vi lägger ut allt arbete till arbetskraft i-fattigare länder?

Det frågade Roy Andersson, intervjuad i SvD 2/1 2009

Och om inte USA försvarar friheten, vem skall då göra det?


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