
 Four presidents and more than $2 trillion were consumed by America’s longest war. Yet the United States has never fully grappled with how it lost its way in Afghanistan, including the glaring intelligence failures that plagued the entire war effort.

How did a valley once free of Taliban become such a hotbed of insurgents? 

Or, put another way, why did so many of the people who welcomed the Americans suddenly want to kill them?

New York Times 12 December 2024

Världsordningen går mot en kollaps

Slutpunkten för den amerikanska hegemonin sätter Münkler vid uttåget ur Afghanistan (2021) efter 20 års fåfänga försök att till höga kostnader modernisera landet.

Welcome to the Post-American New World Disorder

Tillbaka till Rolfs länktips 12 december 2024


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