Argentina, IMF och Lagarde

 Internal watchdog says fund needs to tackle claims that large loans reflect political pressures

Rules for outsized loans to countries such as Argentina, Ukraine and Egypt needed an overhaul as “perceptions of a lack of even-handedness” were affecting the fund’s credibility, the IMF’s independent evaluation office said in a report on Thursday.

The fund’s biggest lending commitment is to Argentina, where President Javier Milei is seeking a new $10bn loan, on top of $44bn the country tapped since 2018 under the exceptional access rules.

Financial Times 12 December 2024

Argentina, IMF och Lagarde

IMF’s record-breaking rescue package for Argentina, with which its outgoing director Christine Lagarde was closely associated.

The fund has an unhappy history with Argentina, having agreed more than 20 programmes, most of which ended in failure. 

The latest chapter started with a $50bn bailout in June 2018, increased by $7bn three months later

The IMF’s $43 Billion Argentina Problem Is About to Get Worse

Over the past five years, the Fund has lent $43 billion in repeated bailouts for the Latin American nation — multiples more cash than anyone else has gotten — with dismal results.

IMF doled out another $7.5 billion installment in August, even though Argentina hadn’t met any of the economic targets that were supposed to be conditions for payment.

The country’s current debt pile to the IMF  a hangover from the $56 billion credit line — still the biggest in IMF history — handed to then-President Mauricio Macri in 2018 and 2019.

Det höjdes på ögonbrynen när Mme Lagarde, tidigare fransk finansminister och därmed medansvarig för euron och dess kris, utsågs till IMF-chef efter det att den tidigare chefen, DSK, släpats i handbojor inför TV-kamerorna till ett sedermera nedlagt åtal om våldtäkt.

Skulle Mme Lagarde värna IMFs anseende eller skulle hon bli alltför följsam för önskemålen från Paris, Bryssel och Berlin, frågade sig många.

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