Letter from James Hanshaw, Zurich, Switzerland

The 2 per cent figure was politically plucked out of the air in 1990 to be used by the central bank of New Zealand — a tiny country with agriculture as the main part of its economy — and later copied by other countries 

It had — and has — no scientific base. 

US inflation averaged 3.3 per cent over 100 years from 1914 to 2014, during which time the economy did well 

Yet despite those facts, Fed chair Jay Powell has said in recent times: “We are strongly committed to returning inflation to our 2 per cent goal in support of a strong economy that benefits everyone.”


John Plender The widespread adoption of 2 per cent inflation targets has been, at best, a mixed blessing.


Bara inflationen blir två procent kommer allt att bli bra - den nya religionen 

Riksbankens mål om 2,0 procents inflation tillkom i all hast för litet mer än 20 år sedan
Inflationsmålet skulle inte ha funnits där, om Sverige hade klarat att hålla fast växelkurs.
Johan Schück, DN 2015-05-08



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