Why militarist leaders dominate Southeast Asian politics

Communist-ruled Vietnam last month appointed Luong Cuong, a military general and former director of the political department of the People's Army, as its new president.

Nearly half of Southeast Asian countries are now governed by former military generals or military regimes, a concerning trend for democracy and human rights in the region, experts say.

Only Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore have consistently maintained civilian control over their militaries, analysts note.

"The appearance of sudden militarization in 2024 is a deception because the military's power in politics has always existed — though sometimes in the shadows," 

Deutsche Welle 24 November 2024


Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter of the country's independence hero, General Aung San.

Her father founded the modern Burmese army and negotiated Burma's independence from the British Empire in 1947

Suu Kyi continued her education at St Hugh's College, Oxford, obtaining a B.A. degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 1969. 


När Kinas nye ledare Deng Xiaoping hösten 1978 besökte Singapore 

Lee Kuan Yew var det självständiga Singapores förste premiärminister mellan 1959 och 1990. 

Besöket skulle i grunden rita om världsekonomin


Tillbaka till Rolfs länktips 23-24 november 2024



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