Wall Street och Stockholm 10 oktober 2024 Högre inflation än väntat i USA


Småsur stängning på Wall Street 

 Stockholmsbörsen stänger nedåt 

Det svänger fort på räntemarknaden

Högre inflation än väntat i USA
Kärninflatione 3,3 procent. Förväntningarna 3,2 procent.

RE: Man skall inte ha för stora förväntningar.
Då blir man bara besviken.

Antalet nyanmälda sökande av arbetslöshetsunderstöd 
i USA ökade med 33.000  till 258.000 personer.  
Analytiker hade räknat med 230.000 

Financial safety net for dam developers
For times when wind and solar farms cannot meet electricity demand. 

Global Emissions Likely Have Peaked as Renewables Take Hold

The cost of deploying solar panels and battery technology is due to drop by 19% by 2030, helping deliver record amounts of low carbon power, DNV predicts. 

A separate report from the International Energy Agency estimates an increase in solar capacity will account for 80% of renewable power growth globally until the end of the decade.


Deutsche Welle 10 October 2024

Richard Haass told us that the point of foreign policy
 is to influence the policies of foreign governments. 
By that measure, America has failed. The things that we wanted to influence we have not.
How Biden’s Middle East Policy Fell Apart
Ezra Klein New York Times 8 October 2024

Tehran is threatening in secret diplomatic backchannels to target the oil-rich Arab Gulf states and other American allies in the Middle East if their territories or airspace are used for an attack on Iran, said Arab officials.

The threats through diplomatic channels have prompted Arab states to tell the U.S. that they won’t aid any attack on Iran

Wall Street Journal 10 October 2024

Versailles Ryssland G7 och Ukraina

Stock Market Data CNN


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