EU rasar mot Israel "Men EU är i alla fall bra för freden"

"Ytterligare en linje har på ett farligt sätt passerats", säger EU:s utrikeschef Josep Borrell.

Enligt Unifil har en israelisk stridsvagn skjutit mot ett vakttorn i Naquora, vilket ledde till att två indonesiska FN-soldater föll ned och fick lättare skador.

"Israeliska soldater ska ha skjutit mot och förstört övervakningskameror vid en annan FN-position"

EU:s utrikeschef Josep Borrell fördömer i ett inlägg på X "denna oacceptabla handling, som inte kan rättfärdigas" 

SvT 10 oktober 2024

Josep Borrell Fontelles, Commission Vice-President in charge of coordinating the external action of the European Union.

Helping the EU to take decisions in a faster and more efficient way.

Progressing towards a European Defence Union, ensuring coherence and consistency in the Commission’s work linked to defence.

Ensuring external financial instruments are used strategically, contribute to the EU’s wider political aims and enhance Europe’s leadership and influence in the world.

Ursula von der Leyen expressed solidarity with the victims of the Hamas attacks, but this elicited a public rebuke from Josep Borrell, who has the grand title of High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

“The official position of the European Union with any foreign policy [issue] is being fixed … by the guidelines,” Borrell told journalists tetchily in Beijing. 

- EU foreign policy was decided by the leaders of the 27 member states and by their foreign ministers in meetings “chaired by me.”

External Action

EU:s underrättelse- och säkerhetskommitté (INTCEN) är en del av Europeiska utrikestjänsten (EEAS) och ansvarar för att tillhandahålla strategisk underrättelseinformation till EU:s beslutsfattare. INTCEN fokuserar på att analysera hot och risker som påverkar EU:s säkerhet¹.

Behöver du mer information om någon av dessa organisationer?

Källa: Samtal med Copilot, 2024-10-11

Since 2007,[14] the EU INTCEN is part of the Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity (SIAC), which combines civilian intelligence (EU INTCEN) and military intelligence (EUMS Intelligence Directorate). In the framework of the SIAC, both civilian and military contributions are used to produce all-source intelligence assessments.[15]

The EU INTCEN and the EUMS Intelligence Directorate are the main clients of the European Union Satellite Centre, which provides satellite imagery and analysis.[16]

The EU command and control (C2) structure is directed by political bodies composed of member states' representatives, and generally requires unanimous decisions. 

The European Union Military Staff – Intelligence Directorate

EU Military Committee: Chair of the EU Military Committee visits Poland

European Union and NATO hold the first Structured Dialogue on Cyber

EU Council presidency triggers activation of the Integrated Political Crisis Response

How the Council coordinates the EU response to crises

The integrated political crisis response (IPCR) arrangements support rapid and coordinated decision-making at EU political level for major and complex crises.

EU Council presidency triggers activation of the Integrated Political Crisis Response


Tillbaka till Wall Street och Stockholm 11 oktober 2024



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