Gillian Tett:The Fed needs to call time on cheap money

In a speech to the Economic Club of New York said ... In plain English, this means virtually free money is here to stay for a long time, never mind the inflation chatter. Think years, not months before policy changes.

Is this a mistake? I think so.

Fed officials also fear that pre-emptive efforts to prick the market bubble would recreate a “taper tantrum” — the 2013 market ruction unleashed when Ben Bernanke, then Fed chair, hinted that QE might end.

Gillian Tett FT 11 February 2021

Gillian Tett is chair of the editorial board and editor-at-large, US of the Financial Times. 

Tett’s past roles at the FT have included US managing editor, assistant editor, capital markets editor, deputy editor of the Lex column, Tokyo bureau chief, and a reporter in Russia and Brussels.

Gillian Tett är en briljant kollega som efter en avhandling i socialantropologi – om Tadzjikistan – specialiserat sig på hur finansmarknaderna opererar. Tett, som förvarnade om finanskrisen, kom för två år sedan ut med en genomträngande analys (Fool’s Gold) av hur giriga och kreativa ungdomar hos JP Morgan utvecklade instrument för billiga krediter till amerikanska egnahem (”sub-prime”) 

Rolf Gustavsson, SvD 10 juki 2011

If the Financial Times' Gillian Tett were hit by a bus, I'd be in a lot of trouble. With all due respect to her colleagues, she is the best source of financial news. naked capitalism blog, August 13, 2007


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