Sartre’s behavior during the occupation

though he was never a collabo, was less heroic than his immediate postwar views might suggest.

Alan Riding, whose judgment of the French intelligentsia under occupation is neither moralistic nor indulgent, places Sartre very much on the periphery of the resistance. 

Sartre’s plays, such as Huis Clos (No Exit), were read by some admirers (and certainly by Sartre himself, in hindsight) as veiled expressions of anti-Nazi protest. But they were passed without problem by the German censors, and German officers were happy to attend first nights, as well as the postperformance parties.

And the Show Went On: Cultural Life in Nazi-Occupied Paris by Alan Riding

Det fel som kollaboratörerna begick, säger Jean-Paul Sartre i en berömd och tänkvärd uppsats frän 1945, bestod inte så mycket i att de sympatiserade med de tyska ockupanterna, utan snarare i att de betraktade kampens utgång som given.

(Jag minns inte källan för detta citat. Om någon har det, vänligen informera mig.)

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