Spanien och Italien missnöjda med räddningspaketet

Eurozone finance ministers agreed on the principle of a recovery fund this month, but its size and nature have yet to be decided on Thursday. 

Many Northern  countries resist the idea of raising debt and handing it in the form of grants to member states in need, preferring loans instead.

Spain calls for €1.5tn EU recovery fund in grants (not loans)

FT 21 April 2020

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has sent mixed messages 

Matteo Salvini’s populist League accusing him of betraying his own country and the futures of its youth.

PM Conte has flip-flopped on the issu.

Accessing the lines is one of the preconditions for unlocking the ECB’s outright monetary transactions (OMTs) which were born with former bank president Mario Draghi’s “whatever it takes” speech at the height of the sovereign debt crisis in 2012. 

OMT - This would need a unanimous vote from all eurozone members, which gives Germany a veto.

Måndagen den 20 april klockan 11.30 samråder EU-nämnden med regeringen via telefon. EU-minister Hans Dahlgren (S) återrapporterar från videomöte den 24 mars 2020 och informerar och samråder inför videomöte den 22 april. 



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