China’s investments in Cambodia: more than friends with benefits

Sitting on trade routes that link China, India and Southeast Asia, Cambodia’s geopolitical importance far outweighs its land mass. 

Beijing has invested heavily in its neighbor, building key infrastructure projects like canals and ports. But with economic largesse has come increased political influence. Ignoring that would cede more power to the world’s second-largest economy in a region that is at risk of drifting away from Washington.

The most recent project is a $1.7 billion canal, that spans some 180 kilometers from Phnom Penh to the coastal province of Kep

Många 68-or försöker skratta bort sina felsteg. Alla har väl varit unga och radikala, ha, ha, ha. I Kambodja skrattar man inte åt sådana skämt. Inte heller i Kina, där man upplevt Kulturrevolutionen. Inte heller i Östeuropa.

Men i TV-soffan skrattas det lite generat och programledaren ler förstående.

The Killing Fields are sites in Cambodia where collectively more than 1.3 million people were killed and buried by the Communist Party of Kampuchea during Khmer Rouge rule from 1975 to 1979

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