America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow

 Many of the aquifers that supply 90 percent of the nation’s water systems, and which have transformed vast stretches of America into some of the world’s most bountiful farmland, are being severely depleted. 

These declines are threatening irreversible harm to the American economy and society as a whole.

New York Times 28 August 2023

Groundwater “mining.”

Regulations in some states, including Oklahoma, are guided by a principle of letting users extract groundwater at rates that exceed an aquifer’s ability to recharge. Some hydrologists call it groundwater “mining.”

The depletion threatens not only the tap water that supplies just over one-third of America’s drinking water, but also some of the most productive farmland in the world, which has become increasingly reliant on groundwater.

While farmers face severe risks from groundwater depletion, many warn that too much regulation would harm their livelihoods and the nation’s food supply.

“Farming would not exist as we know it in California without the use of groundwater,” 

New York Times  2 November 2023

What is groundwater?

The Western US is an empire built on snow. And that snow is vanishing.

Grundvattnet i Kalifornien

U.S. Drought Imperils Economy in California’s Farm Country

 Som ni vet oroar jag mig mycket, för annalkande löntagarfonder, bankerna, Climate Change och fastighetsbolagen. Men det första jag oroade mig för, när jag var fem år, har mina föräldrar berättat, var grundvattnet. Hur det kom sig vet jag inte; kanske jag hade hört Farbror Magne tala om det? Nu får jag vatten på min kvarn.

Till sakkunniga för att utreda arbetsförhållandena inom vissa delar av Patentverket har av handelsministern kallats byråchefen i Patent- och 
Registreringsverket Magne Falk (ordförande), kanslirådet i Handelsdepartementet Erik Thuresson och byrådirektören i Statens Organisationsnämnd Curt Tornborg.  1958


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