The night of the referendum, as the results came in, my old comrade was both upbeat and realistic. “It’s a great victory,” he said, “but you realise they’ll never let it happen.”
In 1992, the Danes voted against Maastricht; their government secured opt-outs and, in 1993, the public backed the Treaty on a second referendum.
In 2001, the Irish rejected the Nice Treaty; a year later, after caveats, they gave it the nod.
In 2005, France and the Netherlands voted down the EU constitution; the EU repackaged the constitution as the Lisbon Treaty and carried on merrily.
The Irish said no to Lisbon in 2008 but affirmed it after a rethink in 2009.
Local politicians have been instrumental to these reversals.
Tim Stanley Telegraph 8 April 2019
In 2001, the Irish rejected the Nice Treaty; a year later, after caveats, they gave it the nod.
In 2005, France and the Netherlands voted down the EU constitution; the EU repackaged the constitution as the Lisbon Treaty and carried on merrily.
The Irish said no to Lisbon in 2008 but affirmed it after a rethink in 2009.
Local politicians have been instrumental to these reversals.
Tim Stanley Telegraph 8 April 2019
Ett svenskt medlemskap i euron är inte aktuellt just nu.
Ulf Kristersson 16 maj 2018
Moderaterna inför EU-valet 2014:
"Vi är i grunden positiva till en gemensam valuta"
Vid sitt framträdande hos SNS talade Göran Persson om Europaparlamentets växande maktambitioner.
- Man måste behandla dem artigt och med respekt, annars blir det låsningar, ungefär så sade Göran Persson, som uppskattat sina möte med de andra Stats- och regeringscheferna i Det Europeiska Rådet.
- Man måste behandla dem artigt och med respekt, annars blir det låsningar, ungefär så sade Göran Persson, som uppskattat sina möte med de andra Stats- och regeringscheferna i Det Europeiska Rådet.