Euron och Schengen var välbetänkt

Varför har den Europeiska Unionen infört Euron och Schengen fastän det stod klart för de flesta att detta var högriskprojekt ?

Jo, därför att de romantiska utopisterna vill skapa en riktig Union, som USA.

En stat med Parlament, Domstol, en yttre men ingen inre gräns, ett EU-pass och medborgarskap samt naturligtvis en valuta. Frimärkena kommer väl senare, liksom försvaret som dock redan är under uppbyggnad.

Och, givetvis, en flagga.

If you want to understand what is happening to the European Union’s constitution, the EU flag is a good place to start. 

European leaders will agree to delete references to the flag in the constitution. Everybody knows the flags will keep flying. 

The words in the constitution will change. But the substance will remain the same.

Gideon Rachman, Financial Times June 12 2007

The constitution is a symbol. After decades in which the EU has gradually accrued more powers – without going out of its way to draw attention to the fact – the creation of a real constitution was a coming-out party for those who believe in a European political union. 

Rather than disguising the true aim of the “project”, European federalists were proudly proclaiming it – and seeking popular endorsement. 

So the rejection of the constitution was a crushing blow.

The federalist response – pushed by the Germans who will be in the chair at next week’s meeting – is to repackage the constitution and to try to push it through regardless. 

The name constitution will be dropped. Instead, the document will be called a treaty and will be stripped of the symbols of statehood – like the flag and the EU anthem. 

But very little of the legal substance will change.

The aim is to make the constitution seem dull and technical – and so to allow governments to push it through parliaments without any unpredictable referendums. 


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