Ronald Reagan är ingen tebjudning

In the years since Reagan left the White House, a vocal contingent of Republicans has sought to enforce current party orthodoxy—cut taxes at all costs; limit government spending (except defense); let the Bible be your guide—by insisting that Reagan was its source.

But while these concepts often shaped Reagan’s campaign rhetoric, they didn’t define how he governed once in office.

As a result, the Reagan that Republicans now revere—a mythical founder figure who always cut taxes, always rattled his saber, and always consulted Jesus—barely resembles the more pragmatic Reagan who actually ran the country.

In 1982, Reagan agreed to restore a third of the previous year’s massive cut.

It was the largest tax increase in U.S. history.

In 1983, he raised the gasoline tax by five cents a gallon and instituted a payroll-tax hike that helped fund Medicare and Social Security. In 1984, he eliminated loopholes worth $50 billion over three years. And in 1986, he supported the progressive Tax Reform Act, which hit businesses with a record-breaking $420 billion in new fees.

When it came to taxation, there were two Reagans: the pre-1982 version, who did more than any other president to lighten America’s tax burden, and his post-1982 doppelgänger, who was willing (if not always happy) to compensate for gaps in the government’s revenue stream by raising rates.

Den förste Reagan hade många beundrare även i Sverige.

- Efter decennier av skleros och Delorium har EU mycket att lära av den ekonomiska förnyelsen i USA, som tog sin början under Reagan-åren.

- Även statsministern bör ta sig tid att studera Prodi-programmets förslag till reformer. Perssons ekonomiska filosofi samman fattas numera i sentensen om sju feta år, följda av sju magra, den s k Mosesteorin.

Den stämmer inte på USA, som har upplevt en ekonomisk framgång av historiska mått över de senaste decennierna.

Bo Lundgren - Klas Eklund - Mats Johansson om Den Nya Ekonomin i USA

Men konjunkturen går fortfarande upp och ner, som Moses hävdade, och det var många som tog mise under det som nu kallas
The Great Moderation.

Inom nationalekonomin går utvecklingen fram och tillbaka med stormsteg.


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