Trump Revolutionizes Political Communication


To an unprecedented extent, he and his cabinet are speaking directly to voters and bypassing traditional media.

Mr. Trump chose senior officials who could sell the administration’s message to voters. Most have extensive on-air experience, and it shows. 

They consider media appearances a vital part of their jobs, not a distraction. 

They want to do interviews and do them live, whenever possible. 

And they deliver their messages with enthusiasm and without apology. They are willing, indeed eager, to confront opponents head on.

Mr. Trump provides the model. He answered more than 1,000 questions in his first month, seven times as many as his predecessor.
Charles Lipson Wall Street Journal 16 March 2025 

Mr Trump has appointed people to top posts who may lack management or other relevant experience but can fluently communicate via new and old forms of media.

The US president is a political genius.
But he is also, in the memorable phrase, attributed to Rex Tillerson, his first secretary of state, “a fucking moron” when it comes to understanding policy.
Gideon Rachman FT 17 March 2025

RE: Man skall inte ta honom på orden. T ex när han säger sig vilja ha Nobels Fredspris. ¨
Alla hans dumma motståndare himlar med ögonen i alla kanaler och säger att Trump är storhetsvansinnig.

Men har får ut sitt budskap, som är att han vill ha fred.


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