Den liberala eliten slår tillbaka mot Trump


Lech Walesa schools Donald Trump on how American presidents 

America’s allies are absolutely convinced that his word can’t be believed for more than a day; that his courses of action are irrational; 

and that he and his associates, JD Vance and Elon Musk, are strangers to truth and every convention of diplomacy, decency and courtesy.

A letter was recently dispatched to Trump from an almost-forgotten giant: 

Lech Walesa, one of the most celebrated and courageous leaders of resistance against the 1970s Soviet oppressors of Eastern Europe, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and eventually president of Poland.

 “We do not understand how the leader of a country that symbolizes the free world cannot recognize [that Ukraine’s struggle is the struggle of us all].”

Those of us who recall his crusade find his letter to Trump almost intolerably moving. He is a moral titan. 

Yet his words received little coverage in American media. I doubt that the president has even been shown his letter. Morality is absent from the Trumpworld dictionary.

He threatens consequences for Russia if it fails to agree to a ceasefire.

What wonder, that all Europe is traumatized 

By its behavior toward Ukraine, Gaza, Canada and Europe, the US has abandoned the moral high ground, which — even at the height of foreign criticisms of its past behavior, for instance, toward Cuba and Vietnam — few reasonable Westerners doubted that it held.

Those who cling to a moral compass — the sort of people to whom Trump’s Polish correspondent remains a hero — absolutely reject this perversion of the America which we yearn one day to respect again.

Max Hastings Bloomberg 16 mars 2025

Max Hastings is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. His histories include "Inferno: The World At War, 1939–1945," "Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy 1945–1975" and "Abyss: The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962."

Niall Ferguson: Wrecking the Global Financial System

Donald Trumps vurmande för kryptovalutor kan utlösa nästa globala finanskris, säger Frankrikes centralbankschef Francois Villeroy de Galhau.

Trump skapar mer ekonomisk oro än vad covidpandemin gjorde.

DI/TT 17 mars 2025, 05:15

Mattias Svensson: De vill att USA blir som Ryssland

Likheterna stannar inte heller vid kulturkrigets vanligaste talepunkter. Putin har rensat undan alla slags konstitutionella begränsningar för sin maktutövning, liksom fri press och oberoende institutioner

Samma konspiratoriska kamp mot ”den djupa staten” genomsyrar nu vad Trumpadministrationen ägnar sig åt, med utrensningar och hårda krav på svassande och förnedrande inställsamhet.

Mattias Svensson SvD 16 mars 2025

Democrats Need to Face Why Trump Won

Tillbaka till Rolfs länktips 15-16 mars 2025


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