Solidarity with the Germans

During the worst clashes between the Greek and German governments amid the euro crisis, a German official attempted to dissuade me from insisting on debt relief for Greece with the argument that Germany may be rich, but a majority of its people are poor. 

On this last point, he was right.

During the last two decades, the real disposable income of the poorest 50% has been falling 

The solidarity of German workers, toward whom no one shows any solidarity, has its limits – as it should.

I have just described the fatal divisiveness that has been baked into Next Generation EU.

As I have written elsewhere, it is almost as if the whole thing were designed by a cunning Eurosceptic.

Tyskland lyckades genomföra vad ekonomerna kallar en interndevalvering.
Hur kunde då Tyskland lyckas med det som i dag framstår som omöjligt för länderna i Sydeuropa?

The Hartz IV reforms – so widely praised as the foundation of German competitiveness, and now being foisted on southern Europe – did not raise productivity
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 8 Oct 2014

The legacy of Hartz IV is a lumpen-proletariat of 7.4m people on “mini-jobs”, part-time work that is tax-free up to €450. This flatters the jobless rate, but Germany has become a split society, more unequal than at any time in its modern history. A fifth of German children are raised in poverty.


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