How slow can you go?
What is the “stall speed” of an economy?
Unemployment tends to rise when GDP growth falls below about 2.5-3 per cent
The stall speed is the critical growth rate below which an economic upswing turns first into a period of much slower growth, and then shortly afterwards into a recession.
Gavyn Davies blog June 15, 2011
Detta förefaller mig vara en omformulering av Marian Radetzkis enkla men viktiga påpekande:
Tillväxt i BNP minus ökning i produktivitet minus ökning i arbetsstyrkan = förändring i arbetslösheten.
Much like Joseph Stiglitz: The U.S. economy must grow at least 3 percent to create enough jobs for new entrants into the labor force
And when unemployment rises everybody becomes more pessimistic and therefore spends less,
Unemployment tends to rise when GDP growth falls below about 2.5-3 per cent
The stall speed is the critical growth rate below which an economic upswing turns first into a period of much slower growth, and then shortly afterwards into a recession.
Gavyn Davies blog June 15, 2011
Detta förefaller mig vara en omformulering av Marian Radetzkis enkla men viktiga påpekande:
Tillväxt i BNP minus ökning i produktivitet minus ökning i arbetsstyrkan = förändring i arbetslösheten.
Much like Joseph Stiglitz: The U.S. economy must grow at least 3 percent to create enough jobs for new entrants into the labor force
And when unemployment rises everybody becomes more pessimistic and therefore spends less,