The euro is in essence a foreign currency for a crisis-hit eurozone member
An obvious danger arises in the one respect in which the world economy looks more fragile than 40 years ago: the size of the debt stock, especially the stock denominated in foreign currencies.
Crucially, that is not only true of emerging and developing countries.
The euro, too, is in essence a foreign currency for a crisis-hit eurozone member.
I worked as an economist at the World Bank in the 1970s. What I remember most about that period was the pervasive uncertainty: we did not have any idea what would happen next. Many mistakes were made, some out of over-optimism and others out of panic.
Martin Wolf FT 14 June 2022
Det tråkiga för länder som är med i EMU, som t ex Grekland, Spanien, Italien, Irland och Portugal är att hela deras statsskuld, liksom alla privata skulder, är i euros, vilket för dem är en utländsk valuta, i meningen att landets centralbank inte kan framställa mer av den med viljekraft.
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