Martin Feldstein, economist, 1939-2019
Feldstein in 1997 published what swiftly became a notorious commentary on the idea of the European single currency for Foreign Affairs. In it, he argued that the creation of a single currency could lead to intra-European disputes: “conflicts over economic policies and interference with national sovereignty could reinforce longstanding animosities based on history, nationality, and religion”.
Martin Wolf FT 12 June 2017
The crisis in the eurozone is the result of France’s persistent pursuit of the “European project,”
the goal of political unification that began after World War II when two leading French politicians,
Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, proposed the creation of a United States of Europe.
Martin Feldstein, 27 May 2012
Europas politiker har slagit in på en ekonomisk kurs som ser ut att leda mot sammanbrott.
Konsekvenserna riskerar att bli dramatiska.
Huvudargumentet för en europeisk valuta var att den skulle göra krig omöjliga.
Tio år senare har valutasamarbetet lett till motsatsen
Har vi svenskar förträngt hur vi löste vår egen finanskris under 1990-talet?
Peter Wolodarski, DN 27 maj 2012
Why did it all go wrong? Three main reasons:
French grandiosity, German shame and a universal law of bureaucratic self-aggrandizement.
Clive Crook, Bloomberg, 24 May 2012
Martin Wolf FT 12 June 2017
The crisis in the eurozone is the result of France’s persistent pursuit of the “European project,”
the goal of political unification that began after World War II when two leading French politicians,
Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, proposed the creation of a United States of Europe.
Martin Feldstein, 27 May 2012
Europas politiker har slagit in på en ekonomisk kurs som ser ut att leda mot sammanbrott.
Konsekvenserna riskerar att bli dramatiska.
Huvudargumentet för en europeisk valuta var att den skulle göra krig omöjliga.
Tio år senare har valutasamarbetet lett till motsatsen
Har vi svenskar förträngt hur vi löste vår egen finanskris under 1990-talet?
Peter Wolodarski, DN 27 maj 2012
Why did it all go wrong? Three main reasons:
French grandiosity, German shame and a universal law of bureaucratic self-aggrandizement.
Clive Crook, Bloomberg, 24 May 2012