ECB-chefen Trichet skämtar: "It is extremely important that the US has been saying that a strong dollar is in the interests of the US."

Trichet har den för framgångsrika personer viktiga förmågan att kunna säga plattityder eller mer eller mindre osanna påståenden med fast röst och utan att själv falla i skratt eller se generad ut.

Det hän gången har Trichet lämnat sitt stöd åt mantrat om att man eftersträvar en stark dollar.

Trichet har ett eget intresse av att dollarn förblir stark, eftersom vad jag tror, EMU kommer att spricka när dollarn faller.

As the late Herbert Stein, former chairman of the US council of economic advisers,
once said: "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." - (The Dollar)

Financial Times editorial 2/1 2003

European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet has praised the US' commitment to the strong dollar as several world powers including France and Russia call for a fresh debate on the global currency system ahead of this week's G8 summit of leaders in Italy.

Asked by journalists on Sunday (5 July) whether the US dollar should remain the world's key currency, Mr Trichet said: "On this issue, I am very very clear. I have just one message. It is extremely important that the US has been saying that a strong dollar is in the interests of the US."

Citat från EU Observer


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