Climatologists are nervous of being accused of alarmism - Mrs T. was alarmed in 1989

Margaret Thatcher in 1989 at the UN  warning that greenhouse gases were "changing the environment of our planet in damaging and dangerous ways".

Mrs Thatcher - formerly a research chemist - continued: "The result is that change in future is likely to be more fundamental and more widespread than anything we have known hitherto. It is comparable in its implications to the discovery of how to split the atom. Indeed, its results could be even more far-reaching.

"It is no good squabbling over who is responsible or who should pay. We shall only succeed in dealing with the problems through a vast international, co-operative effort."

This was extraordinarily prescient, and her words were even more devastating from the lips of a towering, right-wing world leader who couldn't be dismissed as a fretful hippy.

The world is probably heading for 1.5C of heating early next decade, and temperatures will push onwards to 2C and above unless policies radically change

Some scientists are warning that areas of the world will become uninhabitable if current trends continue. So what are our leaders doing to keep us safe?

Well, they're talking a good show, and doubtless some really mean to curb climate change. But the impacts of global heating are happening right now, whereas major nations plan to phase out emissions by 2050.

BBC 7 July 2021


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