Dowding, han som vann Battle of Britain, hade det värre än jag.
Alla kan vi väl då och då tycka att vi inte fått den erkänsla som vi själva tycker vi vore värdiga.
Men Dowding har nog ett oslagbart rekord härvidlag.
- AIR CHIEF MARSHAL HUGH DOWDING. Commander in Chief RAF Fighter Command.
Dowding continued to have constant brushes with the political heavies, he had done his job, he had succeeded in winning the Battle of Britain.
But he was forced to relinquish his position as C-in C in November 1940 and resigned from the RAF in 1942.
Men Dowding har nog ett oslagbart rekord härvidlag.
- AIR CHIEF MARSHAL HUGH DOWDING. Commander in Chief RAF Fighter Command.
Dowding continued to have constant brushes with the political heavies, he had done his job, he had succeeded in winning the Battle of Britain.
But he was forced to relinquish his position as C-in C in November 1940 and resigned from the RAF in 1942.
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