Peter Wolodarski: Europa behöver migranterna

DN 31 maj 2015

Med tanke på Europas demografiska utveckling, med en åldrande befolkning, kommer efterfrågan på enklare service- och tjänstejobb att växa. Arbetskraftsinvandringen blir bara viktigare.

Det ligger i Europas ekonomiska egenintresse att motverka trenden med ett sjunkande antal förvärvsarbetande i förhållande till andelen pensionärer.

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- Immigration helps defuse the “pensions time bomb”. 

This is doubly false: immigrants age, too; and the so-called time bomb can (and should) be dealt with directly by raising the retirement age in line with longevity. 

It is false to argue that a high rate of net immigration is required to avoid an unsustainable rise in the dependency ratio.

Martin Wolf FT 3/4 2008

REFUGEE FACTS OF LIFE: 1) EU countries accepted 185,000 asylum applications from 625,920 applications in 2014; 2) Sweden accepts eight times as many asylum applicants per one million citizens as France. Sweden's rate is also 17 times higher than the UK, 40 times higher than Poland, 69 times higher than Spain and 194 times higher than Portugal.


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