I juli var USA:s handelsunderskott 78,8 miljarder dollar, motsvarande 800 miljarder kronor.


Den högsta siffran på två år.


Shortfall in goods and services trade increased 7.9% in July

Goods trade deficit with China widened to largest since 2022


Shale fracking has saved the West

Cast your mind back to 2008, the moment when the American Century really did seem to be dying before our eyes. 

The US financial system had seized up. General Motors faced liquidation. The dollar was in freefall.  

US output of crude oil had collapsed to 5m barrels a day (b/d).

America had to import almost 10m b/d to cover its wasteful consumption, pushing the current account deficit to 6pc of GDP.

The U.S. trade deficit in goods narrowed to $96.8 billion in June



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