

The world’s most valuable company is loved, and feared, because of the fanatical control it maintains over the iPhone. 

How long can that last?

Every time you wave your iPhone or Apple Watch at a credit reader in the real world, Apple gets a small cut of those transactions, too.

There’s really only one other smartphone app store, on Google’s Android platform, and it imposes similar fees and restrictions. 

There was a time when buying a computer meant paying for a piece of hardware you owned outright. 

Now it means purchasing an extremely expensive device (at least $1,000 for the most advanced iPhones) and then spending hundreds of dollars on subscriptions and other add-ons that are optional but increasingly seem required.

More than ever, and very much by design, we’re all living in Apple’s world.

The Big Take Bloomberg 8 September 2024

Täby Centrum – Apple Store – Apple (SE)


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